Sunday, May 3, 2009


This song always makes me think of Edward and Bella. (Not like it takes much to make me think of Edward. Just about everything I hear, and everything I see!)

It is by the band "Live", if you get a chance, go listen to it. It is a slow song so don't be disappointed...(duh! It is a love song remember!!)

Sittin' on the beach
The island king of love
Deep in fijian seas
Deep in some blissful dream

They are obviously referring to Isle Esme

Where the goddess finally sleeps (Bella)
In the lap of her lover (Edward)
Subdued in all her rage
And I'm aglow with the taste of the demons driven out
And happily replaced with the presence of real love
The only one who saves

How can that not refer to their love?? Edward's demon replaced with true love!!?? The only one that saves...his soul!!

I wanna dance with you (Edward always wanted to dance with Bella)
I see a world where people live and die with grace
The karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace (Edward's bad Karma)
I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
And lead us back to a world we would not face

Edward saw Bella's face as he looked at the stars, see Midnight Sun for reference.
The stillness in your eyes (He forever talks about her deep brown eyes..)
Convinces me that i
I don't know a thing (Possible reference to being unable to read her)
And I been around the world and I've tasted all the wines (wine = blood..)
A half a billion times came sickened to your shores (He said he's a monster)
You show me what this life is for

Oh come on I do I even have to say it!!!!!!!! You are my life now....

I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
The karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace
I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
And lead us back to a world we would not face

In this altered state (Edward is completely changed by this love..)
Full of so much pain and rage (Self-explanatory, no??)
You know we got to find a way to let it go

Sittin' on the beach
The island king of love
Deep in fijian seas
Deep in the heart of it all where the goddess finally sleeps
After eons of war and lifetimes (Lifetimes of pain for Edward)
She smilin' and free, nothin' left
But a cracking voice and a song, oh lord

After the final scenes of Breaking Dawn, maybe..?

I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
The karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace
I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
And lead us back to a world we would not face
We would not face
We would not face
We would not face
We would not face

Maybe it's just me..but this song really makes me think of them. I realize there are many songs that can be related to them or Twilight in some way or another but hey, this is my blog, and that's my two cents! :)

1 comment:

  1. No more posts?????? Are you really done? I need more Twicrack!!!!! Post more often... PLEASE!!!!!
